How to do effective SEO for website
06 July 2023SEO is the process of improving a website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). It's a long-term strategy that can take time to see results, but it's not an exact science and is constantly changing. In this post, we'll cover some basic SEO best practices for beginners and give you some tips on getting started with your own SEO campaign.
With the introduction of Google's Hummingbird update, search engine optimization (SEO) has become more difficult. However, that doesn't mean you should stop optimizing your website for search engines — in fact, it's more important now than ever before. The first step to doing effective SEO is understanding how Google works and what it wants from websites. After that, you can use this knowledge to create an SEO strategy for your site and then execute on that strategy by making changes to your content and structure.
What is On-page SEO
On-page SEO is the process of optimizing your site to get higher rankings in search engines. It's a technical process that includes the following steps:
● Content optimization - adding relevant keywords and synonyms to your content so that it can be easily found by people searching for those terms.
● Keyword research - finding out what people are searching for, then deciding which keywords (and their variations) you want to target on your website.
● Backlink acquisition - getting links from other websites pointing back at yours so that Google sees them as validating its quality and importance as well as giving you an edge over other sites competing for those same keywords or phrases.
Meta Title Optimization
Meta title is the first thing that shows up in search results, and it can be easily seen by users. This means that meta title optimization is very important for any website owner who wants their site to rank high on search engines.
The best way to optimize a meta title for SEO purposes is by following these steps:
● Make sure you have unique, relevant and concise meta titles which are between 60-70 characters long (including spaces). If you go over 70 characters then Google will truncate it down for you so don't worry about getting them all in there!
● Include keywords within your meta title but don't keyword stuff them into the content just because they're there - try using synonyms instead as some people may not know what those words mean anyway; this way they'll still get an idea of what they're looking at without being distracted by something unfamiliar or confusing like "analytics software" when really what they want is some kind of software program specifically designed for analyzing data sets available online today
Meta Description Optimization
Meta descriptions are a snippet of text that appears under your page's title in search results. They're important because they give searchers an idea of what they'll find on your page, and can help them decide whether or not they want to click through (and hopefully convert). When optimizing meta descriptions, try to be as specific as possible while still being relevant to the content of your website. For example: if you run an e-commerce store selling yoga mats, don't write something like "Shop for Yoga Mats" (generic) or "Yoga Mats for Sale Online" (too wordy). Instead try something like "Shop for Yoga Mats from AlohaMatsOnline - We've Got You Covered!".
Keyword research
Keyword research is a fundamental part of SEO. It helps you identify the right keywords to target, which can then be used in your content and on your website. But keyword research isn't just an initial process--it's an ongoing one that you should continue to do over time as your business grows or changes. Keyword research is also critical for understanding your audience and knowing what they want from you as a brand or company, which will help guide future content creation decisions like blog posts or social media updates.
Creating a robots.txt file
A robots.txt file is a text-based file that tells search engines not to index certain pages. For example, if you have a blog on your website and want to prevent Google from crawling it, then you can create an empty robots.txt file with the following code:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /blog/*
You assign rules to bots by stating their user-agent (the search engine bot) followed by directives (the rules).
You can also use the asterisk (*) wildcard to assign directives to every user-agent. Meaning the rule applies to all bots, rather than a specific one.
For example, this is what the instruction would look like if you wanted to allow all bots except DuckDuckGo to crawl your site:
Note: While a robots.txt file provides instructions, it can't enforce them. It’s like a code of conduct. Good bots (like search engine bots) will follow the rules, but bad bots (like spam bots) will ignore them.
Programs to Use
There are a variety of programs available to help with SEO optimization, such as: - Google Search Console: Allows you to track and manage your site’s performance in Google search. - SEO Quake: A browser plugin that helps you quickly analyze the SEO of any website. - Screaming Frog SEO Spider : A powerful tool that crawls websites to find broken links, audit redirects, and generate XML sitemaps. - Ahrefs, Serpstat, Semrush: A comprehensive SEO suite that includes keyword research, content optimization, and link building tools.